Miha Turšič (Talk)

Sat June 1 | de Brakke Grond

All bodies on earth—human and nonhuman—are inextricably bonded to one celestial body: earth. If we take a perspective from outer space and look back to earth, in what way can we cultivate new, ecological realities and earth-space futures?

The way we imagine the Earth has a substantial impact on the environment. The European research project More-than-Planet uses earth observations, satellite data, art, culture, and philosophy to explore how we can arrive at new knowledge and stories about how we see our planet. Can we create a story that includes more-than-human life and climate justice? We need to because more than 75 percent of Earth's surface is under human pressure. 

About the artist

Miha Turšič is an artist, designer, and researcher dedicated to developing arts and humanities in outer space. He designed works about the human condition in outer space, developing post-gravitational art and artistic satellites; co-founded the Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies, an institution with a dedicated Cultural Space Programme; and actively developing cooperations between space and art institutions in Europe, United States, and China. Currently, he works at Waag as the Open Space Lab lead and concept and project developer specialised in collaborative research and innovation.

This artist is part of the panel “Quantum Bodies”
Date: Saturday, 1 June 2024
Time: 15:15 - 16:15
Location: de Brakke Grond